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Circulation Department

Thank you for visiting the Plainfield Public Library
Circulation Department web page!

We hope you find answers to your circulation questions below; please contact us with any additional inquiries.

Circulation Info


In-Person Service

The Circulation Department is available for in-person service during all of the Library's regular service hours. We ask that you arrive at least 15 minutes before closing for all account based transactions (cards, payments, etc.)

Curbside Service

The Plainfield Public Library is currently providing Curbside Service to provide access to physical materials. Place your order online via the online catalog or call 908-757-1111 x111. You will receive a notification via your preferred method (phone, email, text) that your item is ready. After you receive the notification call again to schedule an appointment for pickup. Come to the library at your scheduled time to pick up your items. Call the staff at 908-757-1111 x111 to let us know you are here. Wait in your vehicle or by the flagpole for a staff member to bring the items to you.

Obtaining a Library Card

Plainfield Public Library cards are non transferable. Only the person whose name appears on the name/signature line of the library card application may use the library card. Unauthorized usage will result in the confiscation of the library card. The true owner will need to retrieve the card from the library with photo ID. Please contact the Circulation Desk for more information.

Library Card Eligibility
Anyone who lives, works full-time, goes to school full-time, or owns property in Plainfield may obtain a library card; which can be used to check out materials, access online research databases, and use the public computers at the library.  Proof of any of the above will be satisfied by showing such documents as a driver’s license, utility bill, phone bill, pay stub, or an apartment lease. Children in elementary school must have the signature of a parent or legal guardian to obtain a card. Patrons that present ID with a PO Box will be required to show proof of their physical Plainfield address. All Plainfield Public Library cards are valid for three (3) years from date of issue. 

Our Consortium: STELLA

With your library card number and PIN, you can request materials from over 50+ libraries that belong to the STELLA Consortium! STELLA libraries (formerly LMxAC) are located throughout Middlesex, Monmouth, and Union Counties.

Download the STELLA app today! With the app, you can store a digital copy of your library card, easily search the catalog, view your account, and more! 

M.U.R.A.L. Reciprocal Borrowing
The Plainfield Public Library also participates in a reciprocal borrowing arrangement called M.U.R.A.L. (Middlesex Union Reciprocal Agreement Libraries). M.U.R.A.L. patrons in good standing status may borrow from any of the participating libraries. Calling ahead is advisable as each library may have certain restrictions on what materials may be borrowed.

If you do not reside in Plainfield but you live in a M.U.R.A.L. town, you can register with a valid library card from your home library and photo ID. MURAL membership is issued for a one-year period. Each year MURAL cardholders must renew their membership by providing proof of valid membership in their home library. 

Somerset County Library System

Plainfield Public Library partners with Somerset County Library System to allow patrons to use each other's resources.  For a list of branch locations in the Somerset County Library System please click here. Please note Reading Stations are exempt from Reciprocal Borrowing.

If you have a valid SCLSNJ library card, bring it to Plainfield along with a valid ID. SCLSNJ cardholders can have access to all of Plainfield materials and services except:     

  1. Museum passes

  2. e-books, e-audiobooks, and research databases (due to licensing agreements).

  3. Interlibrary loan and item purchase requests (request from your home library).

If you have a valid Plainfield Public Library card, visit any of the SCLSNJ branch locations and present it along with a valid ID. Plainfield cardholders can have access to all of SCLSNJ materials and services except:         

  1. Museum passes

  2. e-books, e-audiobooks, and research databases (due to licensing agreements).

  3. Interlibrary loan and item purchase requests (request from your home library).

  4. Meeting Rooms

All materials checked out from an SCLSNJ location must be returned at SCLSNJ, and all materials checked out at Plainfield must be returned to Plainfield.

Replacement Cards

Library card numbers will not be given at patron's request. If you have lost your card, please visit the Circulation Desk for assistance.

Methods of Payment

The Library accepts cash, all major credit cards, and online payments via the SmartPay feature of the online catalog.

Credit Card Logos




Loan Periods

Adult Books
28 days
28 days
Children's Books
28 days
14 days
Graphic Novels
28 days
14 days
Playaways 28 days
28 days
Young Adult Books
28 days

An item may be renewed up to 2 times if not on hold. Items with holds and DVDs are NOT eligible for renewal.
Items can be renewed at the Library, online,
or by calling 732-225-0932.

The bookdrop is open and all materials (regardless of format) may be returned in the bookdrop, or at the self-check machine at the Circulation Desk during regular library hours.

Item Limits

Adult card holders may have a total of 15 items checked out at one time. Juvenile card holders may have a total of 10 items checked out at one time.

Adult Books
up to card max
up to 4 at one time
Children's Books
up to card max
up to 4 at one time
Graphic Novels
up to card max
up to 4 at one time
Bookpacks/Playaways up to 4 at one time
up to 4 at one time
Young Adult Books
up to card max

* Only Adult card holders may check out DVDs *

Current Overdue Fines
per item per day

Adult Books
Children's Books
Graphic Novels
Bookpacks/Playaways $1.25
Young Adult Books

The maximum fine is $10.00 per item regardless of item type or patron type. These fines should be paid at the Circulation Desk.
Patrons who have $10.00 or more in fines/fees on their card will not be able to check out additional materials.There are no fines on Children's Books or Young Adult Books.

Please note -- These charges include Sundays and holidays. When the Library is closed, books may be returned via the Book Drop located near the entrance.

Online Access to Your Account

Please contact the Circulation Desk at 908-757-1111 x111 if you do not have your PIN code.

To access your library account through the catalog:

  1. On the Catalog Home Page, click "Log In" located in the top right corner of the page.

  2. Enter your Library Card number in the first box and your assigned PIN (this number can be changed upon logging in to the system) in the second box.

  3. You can now use your Library Card number and PIN to review your account, renew items, or to update your email address to be contacted about overdue materials or availability of reserved items.

Reserving Materials

Plainfield Public Library card holders may reserve an item by:

  • Contacting the Reference Desk at 908-757-1111 x112 for Adult & Young Adult items and the Children's Desk at 908-757-1111 x129 for Juvenile materials.

  • placing the hold online through the online catalog
    (your library card number and PIN are required).

Items ready for pickup will be held at the Circulation Desk for seven (7) days. Once the items are ready, patrons can come to the Library to pickup their item or make an appointment for pickup with our Curbside Service. Click here for printable instructions.

Interlibrary Loan

If you are interested in borrowing an item that the Library doesn't currently own and is not available at any of the libraries in our system, please contact the Circulation Department at 908-757-1111 x118 to request the item via JerseyCat, our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system. If the item is unavailable via ILL, please use the "Suggest a Purchase" section of our online catalog. The Library cannot purchase every title requested, but we do take your suggestions seriously.



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