Museum Passes
Patrons must check with the museum of their choice to determine hours and availability.
Due to COVID-19 there may be special procedures in place.
What museums are available?
The Library provides passes, tickets, or discounts to a variety of museums/locations as part of our Museum Pass program. For specific information about each museum click on the museum icon above or their name in the list below.
Passes, Tickets, Discounts?
The Library's Museum Pass program has three options available as part of the program.
- Passes: physical membership cards that get checked out in a museum pass pouch and returned to the Library at the Circulation Desk or via the bookdrop. Patrons must be 18+ to check out this type of museum pass.
- Tickets: single-use tickets that get "checked out" and do not need to be returned. Cardholders may checkout one ticket per location per program year. Tickets are available on a first-come, first served basis as supplies last.
- Discounts: two locations (Crayola Experience and Liberty Science Center) provide a discount to Plainfield Library Card holders. Please follow the directions on the location's individual page to redeem the discount.
Who may borrow a museum pass?
Plainfield residents who are 18 years of age or older with a current library card may check out one pass per family at a time. Museum tickets may be checked out by any Plainfield resident with a current library card regardless of age. Library card holders must be in good standing; blocked or expired cards are not eligible for this service. Library card holders who are non-residents, reciprocal, or paid members are not eligible for this service.
How long may I keep a museum pass?
Museum passes may be checked out for 3 days. Passes may not be renewed.
How often may I check out a museum pass?
Each cardholder may checkout one pass or ticket at a time. No more than one museum pass at a time may be checked out per family. No exceptions will be made due to weather conditions, limited exhibit accessibility, illness, or other unforeseen circumstances. Please plan accordingly.
How may I pick up a museum pass?
Museum passes are available on a first-come, first-serve basis at the Circulation Desk. Museum passes cannot be reserved in advance. A same-day one-hour hold will be allowed; patrons should call the Circulation Desk at 908-757-1111 x111 to check availability. In addition to a library card, eligible borrowers must present a valid photo ID (New Jersey driver license, non-driver identification card, passport, or other government-issued photo ID with birthdate). Information on the photo ID must match library records. Photo ID is not required by minors to checkout tickets.
Who can use the museum pass with me?
Rules vary by museum. Please check the individual museum’s page for the most current and accurate information.
How much does the museum pass cost?
The museum passes are free to borrow (unless returned late or lost). The overdue fine for museum passes is $5.00 per day, up to $25 if returned. If not returned within 14 days after the due date, the museum pass will be presumed lost and borrowers will be charged the full replacement cost. Replacement costs vary according to museum and are listed on the catalog record for each museum.
How should I return the museum pass?
Museum passes must be returned to the Circulation Desk or in the book drop.
What if I lose something?
Replacement costs vary by item:
- Lost museum pass: Replacement cost of the membership card as determined by the individual museum.
- Museum Pouch (blue zippered bag): $5
- Card Holder (red library card holder): $1
- Materials in pouch (museum information): $1